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I have learned CSS last year for the blog template design contest which was hosted by Six Apart. I always planned of learning CSS but I was to lazy to do so. But this contest was the perfect opportunity for me to learn it. I had two weeks until the deadline and the only thing I know was "color: #000;". I didn't know what is "padding", "margin" and so on, but I only had two weeks to learn. So I decided to design an very simple blog template. I am still surprised about this but I actually won the contest (this)!!! After winning this contest I have designed many blogs for my CSS practice and last Decembe 2006, I did my first web designing job using CSS.

EQUIPMENTS: Blogger, Movabletype

Tshirt Farm Shida Eriko Guitar School [BLOGDESIGN] Lexus [BLOGDESIGN] miwazacom [BLOGDESIGN] SimpleGray001 [BLOGDESIGN] Aperture [BLOGDESIGN] Jenny the Florist [BLOGDESIGN] Medic Blog



